Tips For Decluttering And Organizing Your Home In January

Home Organization Tips


Now that the holidays are over and we are putting away the decorations, it is the perfect time to declutter and organize your home. Let’s start the new year and give your house a fresh start.  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start the year with a clutter-free, organized space that fills me with positive vibes. This post is all about decluttering and organizing your home in January. 

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Why We Need To Declutter.

Everyone knows the apparent reasons to declutter, but it isn’t just about going through your things.  Having a cluttered space can affect your mood and physical well-being.  We spend so much time in our homes these days, living, working, exercising, and caregiving, and we should make these spaces relaxing and organized, not depressing and untidy.  I’ve learned that the less clutter I have, the more creative and productive I am.

Here are some tips on how to get started with decluttering your home.

  1.  Start Small:  Just thinking about organizing your entire home can be extremely overwhelming. It’s better to tackle one room at a time.  You’ll be amazed at how great it feels to have one room straightened up, and you’ll be inspired to move on to the next one. Decide the time and days you want to work on this new year’s project and give yourself a month to organize the entire house. 

  2.  Does it bring me joy?  When going through your things, look at them, hold them, and ask yourself, Why am I keeping this? If it brings back a pleasant memory or has some importance, keep it.  If it doesn’t bring you joy, then move on to number 3.

  3. Donate, Sell, or Recycle.  Let someone else find happiness with the items you donate or sell.  Remember the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”


Let’s Get Organized.

Now that we have said goodbye to some unwanted items, it’s time to get organized.  We not only want to have tidy spaces, but we want to make them functional and appealing to the eye.  

Here are some tips on getting organized.

  1. Invest In Storage Items: Just because we are talking about storage containers doesn’t mean they have to be boring.  There are a lot of cute and stylish baskets, boxes, and bins to store your items on bookshelves, in closets, and under sinks.  

  2.  Categorize And Label: Having designated areas for specific products is a great idea.   For example, a kitchen cabinet for just your pots and pans, a drawer with dividers for cooking utensils, and clear containers for portions of pasta and cereals.  Create labels for clear containers to make it easy for your family to find what they want.

  3. Seasonal Swap Outs: Rotate where you store seasonal items.  Keep your summer wardrobe in your closet during the warm months and your winter wardrobe in a spare closet until it gets cooler outside, and then rotate them.  Store your items in shoe and clothing organizers and this will make transferring them from room to room a lot easier.  Now you only go through the items you need for that particular season, thus saving you time.

  4. Create Daily Routines:  Being consistent is the key to maintaining a clutter-free home.  Make it a habit every day to spend a few minutes decluttering.  Be sure to put things away when you finish them, and do the dishes after eating.  When you go into a room, if you see something out of place, put it where it belongs.  These daily routines will keep your house tidy and give you some much-needed free time in the long run.


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Practical Organization Advice For Specific Rooms.

Different spaces have different needs.  Here are some tips for organizing specific areas in specific rooms.

Living Room:  Arrange your furniture so that having conversations is easy.  Create a cozy and inviting space for your guests or family to sit in and talk about their day or watch their favorite movie together.  Have a shelving unit to house board games, video games and books for everyone to enjoy.

Kitchen:  Decrease clutter by keeping only the appliances used daily, like the coffee maker and toaster, on the countertop and store the rest in the cabinets.  Keep your pantry organized with an over-the-door shelving unit for spices, baking essentials, and storage bags.  

Bedroom:  Keep your nightstand tidy and only store what you need to wind down for bed and wake up in the morning: a book, candle, glass of water, and, of course, an alarm/phone.  Regularly clean out your closet and remove clothing, shoes, and accessories you don’t wear.  Purchase some closet organizers and space-saving hangers to maximize your space.

Bathroom:  Keep your bathroom clean and fresh.  Use storage bins under the sink to keep your toiletries and cleaning supplies in.  Have several towel racks and hooks mounted to the walls to keep your towels neatly hung.

Home Office:  Be sure to go through your bills, documents, and files and share or recycle any paperwork that isn’t needed.  Invest in a filing system to keep important documents organized and easily accessible.  

I hope you found these tips helpful and are now ready to tackle decluttering and organizing your home for the new year.  If you need more assistance or ideas specifically for your home, contact me and let me help!  This post was all about tips for decluttering and organizing your home in January.


written by:

Pam Wichlei

Founder & CEO


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